What Will You Do?

There always have been and always will be obstacles and challenges in life. They surround us. It’s how we react to them that determines where and how far we go.

What’s your breaking point? At what point do you resign yourself to the “inevitable”? What has to happen for you to consider a goal in life not worth it anymore?

Too many people give up way too easily:  It’s too far to drive. I don’t want to give up my daily Starbucks for that financial goal. I don’t have time, I need to relax…in front of the TV. Still, there are fighters!

In fact, I saw a fighter tonight. She was running toward me. Usually I make eye contact with other runners and say “hey”, but she didn’t look my direction. That’s when I noticed she was missing a leg. In place of her leg was a prosthetic. Later, we passed again. This time I said, “Hey, you’re an inspiration!” She replied, “Thank you.”

How many people would have taken up running, without a leg? How many people would have even thought of the possibility? What about areas in our own lives? Things we have no control over…Things we may be missing….Things that make us different… Are we willing to think outside the box? Are we willing to commit the hard work? Are we willing to go a different route? Are we willing to push through the pain?

Are we willing to do what it takes to achieve dreams others label as impossible?

Do what you need to do to achieve your dreams!

What is your Passion?

The last several months I have filled my “spare” time with things I love:  running, learning about leadership, working on nonfiction, spending time with family, friends, and my fur-babies. But something was missing.

I knew it was missing. But just like anything else…the longer I went without, the more I thought I was okay without it. I’m a relatively healthy person:  I exercise regularly, I eat healthier than the average American, I have a wonderful marriage, I’ve managed to get enough sleep. Still, I have repeatedly found myself feeling despondent.

This week my husband told me he knew why I struggled. He said it was because I no longer pursued my passion:  writing fiction. He went on about my imagination, stuff I’ve already written, how I put stories together. He inspired me, just enough, to start working on fiction again. And guess what! I LOVE it! I’ve worked on fiction a few nights this week and I can’t wait to do more!

Lesson learned:  No matter how many things you’re involved in, that you love, you must continue pursuing your passion to be truly happy.

I believe God designed us to have specific passions. And it is through those passions that he can accomplish his greatest work through us!

Writing by Sunset

Black Licorice

The cough syrup I’m taking at this very moment tastes like black licorice. I hate black licorice.

I’ve been fighting a cold and cough for almost a week now and am completely out of it, so I thought I’d give you a quote that inspired me the other day:

Got any rivers they say are uncrossable,

Got any mountains they say “can’t tunnel through”?

We specialize in the wholly impossible, 

Doing the things they say you can’t do.

song of the Panama Canal builders

My Inspiration Fix: Quotes

Thanksgiving Day 5k

Pursuing a dream can inspire others. But sometimes we pursuers need inspiration too. Discovering quotes is one of the ways I get my inspiration fix. Below are three from Runner’s World :

“Dream big, but allow yourself the opportunity to start small, and have your share of struggles in the beginning. The world’s great composers weren’t writing symphonies the day they first sat at a piano.”  —Kevin O’Rourke, Marathoner

I have to remind myself that starting small and having struggles should be expected, and can be a good thing. Greatness does not happen overnight. And struggles are what make us stronger, if we let them.

“There will never be a day when we won’t need dedication, discipline, energy, and the feeling that we can change things for the better.”  —George Sheehan

Completely agree with Sheehan! I believe dedication and discipline are key aspects to pursuing a dream–see Dedication, Discipline, & A Little Loopy

“In the end I have to hold myself accountable. It is my career and my responsibility to do what I need to do to be the best I can be. I had to make a change if I really wanted to reach the goals I had set for myself. I had to get out of being comfortable and get into a situation that was going to really push me.”  —Kara Goucher on joining the Oregon Track Club Elite group

Taking responsibility and not prioritizing comfort are two things people tend to shy away from. Goucher reminds us that the path to achieving greatness goes against the norm.

And strangely enough, these things inspire me….

What inspires you?